
Metal Braces

Known for their efficiency in treating a wide range of orthodontic issues, traditional metal braces are a time-tested solution that continues to evolve. At Align Orthodontics, we offer a variety of colored bands to personalize your braces experience. Our expert team ensures that each adjustment is precise, bringing you closer to your dream smile with every visit.


Looking for a solution that fits your professional and personal life? Try Invisalign! These clear aligners are virtually invisible, making them a favored option for adults who seek a discreet way to improve their smile. Not only do they enhance oral hygiene with their removability, but they also offer the comfort and convenience you need. At Align Orthodontics, we tailor the Invisalign treatment to your unique lifestyle, ensuring you achieve effective results without compromising your daily activities.

Space Maintainers

Space maintainers play a crucial role in pediatric orthodontics, especially following premature tooth loss. These devices facilitate proper tooth alignment and prevent adjacent teeth from shifting into the vacant space, ensuring optimal dental development. Our dedicated orthodontic team provides personalized care, ensuring that each child’s space maintainer treatment is comfortable and effective, promoting healthy dental growth and alignment.


Retainers are essential in preserving the results of your orthodontic treatment, ensuring your teeth remain in their new, correct position. Custom-fitted for comfort and effectiveness,  retainers play a critical role in post-braces or Invisalign, keeping your smile straight and beautiful. Our team provides expert guidance on their use, helping you maintain your perfect smile for years.


Temporary Anchorage Devices (TADs) are small, biocompatible devices temporarily fixed to the bone to provide a stable anchor point, enabling more effective and efficient tooth alignment. This technology allows for complex movements that were previously challenging, ensuring better results in a shorter time frame.

Let's Talk About Your Orthodontic Needs!

Need help navigating your orthodontic choices? Call us to discuss your path to a perfect smile!